Rose quartz runes.
Black velvet pouch containing 25 rose quartz runes plus explanation ticket for each rune.
Reading the Runes, more than giving a picture of particular situations, puts you in touch with your unconscious, allowing you to dialogue with yourself and get to know your most hidden thoughts. In particular, they show the ones that you refuse to see and recognize in yourself. For this reason, it can happen that when you read the Runes to other people they refuse to admit what we are seeing, both because denying certain aspects of their personality is easier and because they often cannot see their shadow sides. I recommend reading the Runes only to those who follow a path of personal growth and therefore know how to get involved. For the purposes of reading, it is also important what the Rune moves within you and how you relate to the content that that particular Rune expresses. The purpose of Runic Divination is to acquire the information you need to take responsibility for your life with awareness and help you make choices by giving you a picture of the situation you are facing and will face.
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