Natural Raw Phosphosiderite
Natural raw crystals of variable size and weight.
The information on the card is based on average values.
The price is per piece. A stone measures about 5-6 cm.
A copy similar to the photograph will be shipped. Not a choice.
You can carry it in your pocket, purse or purse, kept at home.
The Phosphosiderite It brings peace and gives hope. It protects against negative emotions such as anger, tension, and stress. It protects you from negative external influences. It gives an insight into old patterns and helps to solve them. Bring healing through understanding.
It gives patience and strength to overcome difficult times. It calms states of agitation, restlessness. The Phosphosiderite It is also useful for heart ailments, iron metabolism, blood circulation.
It helps us to SEE, ACCEPT, RECOGNIZE that we need a NEW MODEL OF THOUGHT, A NEW POINT OF VIEW, NEW TOOLS. The Light that Phosphosiderite activates focuses on the detail, that detail that we had underestimated or overestimated in the past, but also on the qualities and talents already available that can manifest as creative possibilities and that were previously in the shadows, unrecognized. It accompanies us when we are ready (it is neither a basic crystal, nor a relaxing crystal…), positioned on the sixth chakra to activate new SYNAPSES and MENTAL CLARITY, connecting to the Heart Chakra as CLARITY of PURPOSE, and to the second chakra as CREATIVE ACTION.
Its “objective” characteristics bring LIGHT, SPEED, ACTIVATION, STRENGTH
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